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01/10/2012 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
East Hampton High School Library


Present:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono and Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach.  Also present were Interim Town Manager John Weichsel, Town Attorney Jean D’Aquila, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois, members of the press and citizens.

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Chairperson Weintraub called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the East Hampton High School Library.

Adoption of Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to move item 11a, 11b, 8e and 8f to follow item 5.  Voted (7-0).

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to adopt the agenda as amended.  Voted (7-0).

Approval of Minutes  
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of December 13, 2011 as amended.  Voted (7-0).

Public Remarks
A resident asked about an additional veteran’s property tax exemption up to $10,000 as is done in other towns.  Mr. Weichsel will research this with the Assessor.

Fran Klein, 12 Bellevue Street, noted that with the veteran’s property tax exemption spouses of deceased veterans that have not remarried are also sometimes entitled to the exemption.

Patience Anderson, 17 Anderson Way, commented on the budget policy statement noting that an important part of last year’s statement included a line about considering the needs of the residents first and foremost.

Building Committee Request for High School Renovations by Dr. Judith Golden
Superintendent Golden provided an overview of the Board of Education’s discussions to renovate the High School as new. The Board of Education made a motion to request the appointment of a building committee to oversee the High School renovation project and to have the Council request of the Board of Finance an appropriation of $75,000 to complete preliminary designs and educational specifications. She also shared an overview of the needs of other school buildings. There was a question if the Town Council or the Building Committee should request the $75,000.

Senior Center Renovation
Facilities Manager Frank Grzyb reported that a temporary Certificate of Occupancy was obtained for the Senior Center.  Most everything has been moved back to the Senior Center.  Another inspection is scheduled for the week of January 16th.  The formal dedication date is still to be determined.

Award Contract for Town Hall Fire Alarm System Upgrade
A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to award the contract for the Town Hall fire alarm system upgrade to Alarm Technology for their base bid in the amount of $18,600 plus their alternate #2 bid in the amount of $2,500.  The total contract will be in the amount of $21,100.  Voted (7-0).

Award Contract for Airline Trail Extension
A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Dostaler, to award the contract for Air Line State Park Trail extension to Diversity Construction Group in the amount of $183,000 as recommended by Parks & Recreation, Anchor Engineering and the State of CT DEEP.  Voted (6-1) Mr. Suprono against.

Performing Arts Gazebo at Sears Park
Ruth Plummer reported that the architect is preparing to design the project.  The architect will be meeting with Mrs. O’Neill to review the design.  There may be plans to review at the February 14th Council meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to move item 6f and 7a after 5a.  Voted (7-0).

Sears Park Sticker Fees
Ruth Plummer presented the request as recommended by the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to set the Sears Park fees for the summer of 2012 as noted on the agenda report attached.  The Council discussed waiving fees for entrance to Sears Park for residents.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to eliminate the vehicle fees of $10 per vehicle, $5 per vehicle for senior citizens and $5 day pass for Sears Park, keeping the remaining fees the same.  Voted (3-4) Mr. Dostaler, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Suprono and Ms. Weintraub against.  Motion does not carry.

The recommendation to waive the fees will be presented to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board at their next meeting and will then be brought back to Council.

Tolhurst Easement Discussion
Ruth Plummer and Attorney Jean D’Aquila provided an overview of an easement at Sears Park.  The details are included in the agenda report that will be filed with the minutes in the Town Clerk’s office.  The Planning & Zoning commission will review the easement and will come back to Council with a recommendation.

Old Business
New Town Manager Public Forum Update
Ms. Weintraub presented a draft annotated agenda from the facilitator Mark Pellegrini for the Public Forum scheduled for Thursday, January 19th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the High School Auditorium.  The town moderators will be asked to assist at the public forum.  A press release and questionnaire will be distributed to the media and the town website.

Selection Committee:  Interim Town Manager – Ex Officio  Member
A motion was made by Mr. Suprono, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to amend the authorization previously unanimously adopted to name the Town Council as the new town manager search committee by adding Interim Town Manager John Weichsel as a non-voting ex-officio member.  Voted (7-0).

Budget Policy Statement
The Council discussed changes to the draft Budget Policy Statement.  The revised statement will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

A motion was made by Ms. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to accept the budget policy statement as amended.  Voted (7-0).

Procedure to Call a Special Town Council Meeting
The Council discussed the procedures to call a Special Town Council meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Pfaffenbach, to accept Mr. Weichsel’s recommendation as stated in an email to Council - “Special Meetings may be called by the Town Council Chairperson, the Town Manager, or requested in writing by any two (2) members of the Council if, in the opinion of those members of the Council, the subject matter demands immediate attention and cannot be deferred to the next regular meeting.~ The notice shall be served personally upon each member of the Council, Town Clerk, and Town Attorney, or left at their respective places of residence at least twenty-four hours before a Special Meeting.~ At a Special Meeting, only matters included in the notice may be voted upon and enacted by the Council.”  Voted (3-4) Mr. Dostaler, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Suprono and Ms. Weintraub against.  Motion does not carry.

Town Council Bylaws and Policies
Ms. Weintraub distributed bylaws and procedures from several different towns that were provided by Attorney D’Aquila.  Mr. Johnson will review the documents and draft a recommendation for the Town Council.

New Business
Addendum to Dog Pound Contract with East Haddam
This item will be tabled to a future meeting.

Discussion of High School Renovations Building Committee and Timeline
Ms. Weintraub discussed procedures that will be followed for forming a building committee for the High School renovation project.  A draft will be prepared for the next meeting outlining the qualifications for members of the committee.  A press release will also be prepared to request volunteers for the committee.   Mr. Weichsel will ask Mr. Jylkka to outline the costs of past project plans for facility reports.

Interim Town Manager Report
68 Spellman Point, Lake Pocotopaug Watershed
Ms. Weintraub provided an overview of the clear cutting issues at 68 Spellman Point.  She presented a proposal from John D. Pagini, AICP, a land use planner from Coventry, who would do an independent review of the project to determine if due process was followed and if regulations have been properly enforced.  Attorney Mark K. Branse was not retained by the Town of East Hampton for a legal review of the report to be drafted by John D. Pagini, AICP.  The proposal will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s Office. Council members discussed the need for the independent review or if the land use board chairs should meet to discuss the issues.

A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Suprono, to approve John Pagini for the purposes outlined in the letter drafted to Ms. Weintraub and Mr. Weichsel with the basic report with legal review option chosen.  Voted (4-3) Mr. Hintz, Ms. Moore and Mr. Pfaffenbach against.  

Grinder Pumps at Barton Hill
Mr. Weichsel provided an overview of issues with grinder pumps at resident’s homes on Barton Hill.  He read a caveat from a land record from a Barton Hill property.  The caveat wording will be included in the minutes filed in the Clerk’s office.  This issue will be reviewed at the next meeting.  Mr. Weichsel will research the sequential history of issues with the grinder pumps with Mr. Susco.

Compiled List of Short Term Priorities and Update
Mr. Weichsel is working on the list of short term priorities.  Ms. Weintraub distributed the Plan of Conservation and Development listing from several years ago to be reviewed prior to the next meeting.

Police Department Update/Statement
Mr. Weichsel reported that he is working on the issues.

Signage Regarding School Teams Winning State Championships on Town Property
Assistant Superintendent Kevin Reich is working with the Rotary Club on the signs.

Village Center Parking Lot Adjacent to 82 Main Street
The lease for the parking lot was extended in 2010 for a twenty year period.  Attorney D’Aquila will review what power the town has over the lot.

Wetlands Flooding Issue at Chestnut Hill and Hog Hill Road
DEEP has given approval to gradually lower the beaver dam to alleviate the flooding issues.

Loos Pond Water Supply Status
Mr. Weichsel will be meeting with Mr. Simko, Chair of the Fire Commission, regarding Loos Pond.

Storm Emergency Update
A meeting was held with all of the appropriate parties related to storm emergencies.  Information is being collected regarding questions received from Ms. Weintraub.

Board/Commission Support, Education, Communications, Priorities
Mr. Weichsel will provide an updated list of staff support for the boards and commissions.

Liaison Reports
Ms. Moore reported that at the next Board of Finance they will begin meeting with department heads for the preparation of the budget.

Mr. Dostaler reported that the Board of Education voted down school uniforms.  They discussed the policy on bullying and the High School building project.

Mr. Pfaffenbach and Mr. Suprono attended the Economic Development Commission meeting.  EDC wants to get the word out about what their commission is doing.

Ms. Weintraub attended the Planning & Zoning meeting.  Mr. Aarrestad reported on the Salmon River Action Plan.  The application for 19 Lake Drive has changed from 4 condominiums to one single family home.

Proclamations for Yellow Ribbon Ceremony
Proclamations were signed for Roger Boulanger and Anthony Strong to be presented at the Yellow Ribbon ceremony on January 14th.


Tax Refunds
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to approve tax refunds in the amount of $5,675.97.  Voted (7-0).  

Public Remarks
Dale Maynard, Quiet Woods Road, commented on Council members attending town staff meetings.  He also commented on the issue on Spellman Point noting that each department should have forms in place.

Ann McLaughlin, 85 Main Street, asked how long commission members can serve after their term has expired.  It was noted that commission members can serve for 90 days past their term expiration.

Pat Gauthier, Old Marlborough Road, commented on Council member cell phone use at meetings.

Maureen Hawkins, Colchester Avenue, commented on Council member cell phone use at meetings.

Laurie Wasilewski, Hog Hill Road, commented on Council member cell phone use at meetings.

Whitney Fielding, 11 Lake Drive, commented on the priority of the High School over other town buildings.

Bill Marshall, 6 Fairlawn Avenue, commented on the High School building project.

Fran Klein, 12 Bellevue Street, asked that a proclamation be considered for Marie Durkin.

Matt Walton, Sherry Drive, commented on the High School renovations and other facility needs in town.

Communications, Correspondence & Announcements
Ms. Weintraub reviewed two letters from Peter Zawisza, Chairman of the Conservation-Lake Commission, related to Sears Park and Spellman Point.  The letters will be included with the minutes filed in the Town Clerk’s office.

Executive Session
Town Manager Search Committee Consultant RFP Presentations
A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Ms. Moore, to enter Executive Session at 10:00 p.m.  Voted (7-0).  The following individuals were present in Executive Session:  Chairperson Susan Weintraub, Vice Chairman Glenn Suprono, Council Members Kyle Dostaler, Ted Hintz, Jr., Derek Johnson, Barbara Moore and George Pfaffenbach and Interim Town Manager John Weichsel.

Executive Session ended at 10:56 p.m.

A motion was made by Mr. Hintz, seconded by Mr. Johnson to select Lorraine Baltimore as the Consultant for the Town Manager search. Voted (7-0).

The meeting adjourned at 10:58 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary